Have you ever driven on a highway and noticed a truck with a sign saying “oversize load” on the front? An oversized load is a cargo that surpasses the weight or size that allows for conventional transportation by truck. Examples of this type of this freight include construction materials like large beams, machinery like bulldozers, and wind turbines. The laws for large cargo differ based on state and country; however, there are conventional rules. Some of the standard regulations for qualifying a shipment as oversized are:

  • A weight of over 80,000lbs
  • A maximum height of 13.6ft
  • A width greater than 8.6ft
  • Goods that are longer than 53 feet

Due to the size, truckers must take special precautions when shipping this type of freight. The driver must obtain an overweight/oversized permit before being allowed to transport large cargo. The truck carrying the load must have an “OVERSIZED LOAD” sign in the front and flags on four corners. Flags must also be displayed on corners and by long freight protrusions. The loading and securing must also be cautious to prevent shipment damage and accidents.

Types of Oversized Load Trailers

Due to the size, oversized load shipment requires specialized trailers to be transported. These types of trailers are much longer than the containers for regular shipments and contain features like extra axles. An axle is a central shaft for rotating a pair of wheels; the amount depends on the weight carried by the trailer. For example, a 122,000-pound load requires six axles, while a 160,000-pound shipment requires eight axles. Frequently used trailers include:

Standard Flatbeds – These are one of the most popular used trailers for oversized shipments. They are 48 to 53ft long and have a bed 42 to 60 inches from the ground. The maximum freight weight carried on these trailers is 48,000 lbs.

Step Decks – A step deck is a type of flatbed with two layers, a top and a bottom. Its design makes it ideal for carrying cargo too tall to go on a regular flatbed. The lower deck allows tall equipment to go under bridges without damage.

Removable Goosenecks (RGN) – RGNs are trailers with long curvy necks that latch onto the truck. The bottom can drop to create a ramp for the freight. RGNs are ideal for carrying long and heavy cargo like agricultural combines. This is because up to 20 or more axles can be configured unto an RGN allowing 150,000lbs of freight.

Lowboys – Lowboys are specialized trailers with two drops in height: before the gooseneck and before the wheels. They are ideal for large construction equipment like bulldozers and loads that are 12ft tall. Lowboys have diverse types, including RGNs, and the variations are based on capacity space.

Due to all the regulations and information involved, transporting large cargo may be intimidating for first-time shippers. It is beneficial to contact a freight broker like A1 Freight Solutions to guide you through the process of shipping your oversized load. Contact us at 786-375-9420 or info@a1fsinc.com for a quote to begin your shipping journey. We have a carrier network that can move your large shipments anywhere domestically.

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